eCompanyStore is thrilled to announce that we’ve joined the Quality Control Alliance’s Distributor Advocacy Council for another year. This year, we’ll continue working to uphold the standards that define QCA’s mission alongside a group of companies we greatly admire.
What is the Quality Certification Alliance?
The QCA is an independent accreditation organization that works to ensure that suppliers and manufacturers in the promotional products industry only provide products that are responsibly created and sourced. Suppliers and manufacturers of promotional products can only acquire QCA accreditation through rigorous third party reviews and continued compliance with strict standards in the five key areas of Safety, Quality, Environmental Conscientiousness, Social Accountability, and Supply Chain Security.
What is the Distributor Advocacy Council?
The Distributor Advocacy Council is a group of distributors committed to pushing for transparency within the supply chain of promotional products. We joined the DAC because we believe it is our responsibility to require more from our suppliers. The goal is to set the standard that quality, compliant promotional items are the only option. By ensuring that we work with compliant companies, we can deliver unmatched value to our clients, and help set a tone of accountability in our industry. It’s our aim to work with accredited suppliers in 2018, and to help open the door for other suppliers to take steps towards accreditation.
Learn more about the Quality Certification Alliance and the Distributor Advocacy Council here.